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Get started with Herizon Internship Program

This form is for students to apply to Herizon Internship Program. After you complete this form, we'll get back to you with further details.

What is your first name?

What is your last name?

What is your email?

Which school or university are you currently attending?

Note: Herizon Internship Program is available in select schools. Apply anyway, and we’ll explore collaborating with your school!

What year are you currently in for your bachelor’s studies?

Note: e.g., First Year, Second Year, Third Year, etc.

How many ECTS credits have you completed so far?

Note: Please provide an approximate number.

Eligibility: GPA 2.5 or Higher

Eligibility: GPA 2.5 or Higher

Are you interested in the Business Track or the Tech Track?

Are you interested in the Business Track or the Tech Track?

When would you prefer to begin your internship?

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